Mens Suits: Dont just look good, feel good.

In the suit industry we get a lot of customers who tend to forget whats most important when dressing formal. We have customers who come in and try on the suit they like, take a look in the mirror while shooting a few poses, make their purchase and leave the store.  Dont get me wrong, looks are important afterall, we do dress to impress. However we forget the most essential point in buying a suit and that is, “How does it feel?”

Many of us are not used to wearing a suit, after all there are fewer occasions that demand it. But when the occasion for formal wear does come up, we sometimes have that thought in our mind “I cant wait to get out of this thing”.  Well I got news for you, it doesn’t have to be that way. Suits shouldnt just look good on you, they should feel good. That should be your number one priority. When you finally do feel comfortable in the suit you try on, not bearable, but comfortable, you can move on to the next question, how does it look?

I can go on and explain to you the who’s, what’s, and why’s of suits but well save that for our next blog. In the meantime remember one thing, there are many different fabrics, styles, and fits that are meant to make you feel good. Be confident and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Focus on enjoying yourself and please the next time you come into Karako Suits or log into, tell our experts you want to look good and feel good.

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